\-= El Diario de New York =-/




New York - Año 01 - Nº 02 - Miércoles 21 de octubre del 2009

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Why Mike Bloomberg will be a Mayor?

If you read and follow this articule you will get the answer.

New York without him will be more New York


Why Mike Bloomberg will be a Mayor of New York?

Most of the New Yorkers do not care about New York, the only idea is to get money and go home. Money is the idea. Mike Bloomberg is not different from most new yorkers. But there are other segments of New York to care about the city and the well being of the New Yorkers.  But most people don’t know what really happen in the city. Politics is very complex for most people and they prefer to stay away.

Bloomberg is not as good as he think he is.  He is just a business man. To run a city is very complex, you have to now the city like the back of your palm.  Every thing he has done is very poor and the city is in bad condition. The best way for all of us is to have new Mayor for New York.




Rank #17


Michael Bloomberg

Age 67

Net Worth: $16.0 bil  

Fortune: self made

Industry: Media

Source: Bloomberg

Country Of Citizenship: United States

Residence: New York, New York


Education: Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts / Science, Harvard University, Master of Business Administration

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children


New York City mayor facing a fiscal crisis as banking chaos destroys Wall Street. Lucrative bonuses that came with working on Wall Street fueled spending on apartments, restaurants and shopping in recent years; as bonuses dry up, so does the city's income. Forecasts predict NYC's tax revenues will fall 28% - nearly $7 billion - in 2010. Law passed in October will allow Bloomberg to run for 3rd term later this year. Approval rating now 52%, down from 71% last summer. Becomes world's 17th richest man after a transaction put a solid valuation on Bloomberg LP: he borrowed to buy a 20% stake in his company from Merrill Lynch in July for $4.5 billion. Today he owns 88% of the financial data and news outfit he founded in 1982. Boston-born son of accountant got engineering degree from Johns Hopkins, M.B.A. from Harvard.

Became a trader at Salomon Brothers 1970s, quit with $10 million in stock. Created financial information services firm Innovative Market Systems to sell financial data, analytic tools to Wall Street. Renamed Bloomberg LP 1987; added news service, magazine, cable network, radio

station. Has given away nearly $800 million to charity in the past 5 years.




Rank #65


Michael Bloomberg

Age 66

Net Worth: $11.5 bil

Fortune: self made

Industry: Media/Entertainment

Source: Bloomberg

Country Of Citizenship: United States

Residence: New York, New York, United States, North America

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children

Education: Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Harvard University, Master of Business Administration

New York mayor, media maven has given away $715 million to charity in the past 5 years. Despite rumored pressure from many advisors, says he won't run for President. Running for mayor is cheaper: despite 67% approval rating, spent $85 million on reelection in 2005; sum was $11 million more than in first election 2001. Boston-born son of accountant studied engineering at Johns Hopkins. Then Harvard M.B.A. Trader at Salomon Brothers 1970s, quit with $10 million in stock after merger. Created firm in 1981 to sell financial data, analytic tools to Wall Street. Renamed Bloomberg LP 1987; added news service to take on Dow Jones and Reuters 3 years later. Then magazine, cable network, radio station. Plans to sell his 68% stake one day (Merrill Lynch, private investors hold 32%), perhaps give away fortune.




Rank #142


Michael Bloomberg

Age 65

Net Worth: $5.5 bil

Fortune: self made

Industry: Media/Entertainment

Source: Bloomberg

Country Of Citizenship: United States

Residence: New York, New York , United States, North America

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children


Education: Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Harvard University, Master of Business Administration 

Mayor Mike is New York City's guiding political force; dropped $85 million in 2005 mayoral election, 9 times what opponent Fernando Ferrer spent. Bloomberg LP thriving on strong demand for data terminals at hedge funds. Revenue now exceed $4 billion. News service also growing; hiring new reporters. Donated $150 million to charity in past year; plans to sell company once out of office and give away entire fortune.




Rank #112


Michael Bloomberg

Age 63

Net Worth: $5.1 bil

Fortune: self made

Source: Bloomberg L.P.

Industry: Media/Entertainment

Country Of Citizenship: United States

Residence: New York, New York, United States, North America

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children

Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Harvard University, Master of Business Administration


Will Mayor Mike make Ross Perot jealous? The media mogul mused in his 1997 memoir that he'd make a great "mayor, governor or president." This year named one of America's 5 best mayors by Time. Spent $70 million to win office in 2001 but tightened purse strings for reelection bid by $20 million. Last year donated $140 million to charity. The giving is easy when business is booming: revenue from his data terminals up 12% amid hedge fund boom.





Rank #94


Michael Bloomberg

Age 62

Net Worth: $5.o bil


Fortune: self made

Source: Bloomberg L.P.

Country of citizenship: United States

Residence: New York, NY, United States

Industry: Media/Entertainment

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children


Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Harvard University, Master of Business Administration

How'm I doing? New York City's 

Mayor Mike didn't coin the question, but the answer is "Just fine." Bloomberg L.P.'s growth stalled with the markets, but with stocks back in go-go mode, demand for his eponymous company's data terminals is up. Most creative use of market forces by a politician: gambit to keep city calm during Republican convention was to offer protesters discounts at NYC shopping, dining establishments in exchange for not rioting.




Rank# 85


Michael Bloomberg 

Age 61

Net worth 4.9 bil

Fortune: self made

Source: Bloomberg L.P.

Industry: Media/Entertainment

Country of citizenship: United States

Residence: New York, NY, United States

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children


Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Harvard University, Master of Business Administration

New York City mayor tries to manage the Big Apple like his company, but voters—and angry smokers—are much harder to appease than employees. Budget cuts have angered unions, driving down approval ratings.




Rank #57


Michael R Bloomberg, 

Age 60 

Net Worth: $4.8 bil

Fortune: self made

Source: media

Industry: Media/Entertainment

Country of citizenship: United States

Residence: New York, NY, United States

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children  

Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Harvard University, Masters of

Business Administration

Bloomberg's core business of selling business information may be up, but his other fiefdom, New York City, not doing as well. Mayor Mike charmed city with subway commute and $1 salary.

Budget shortfalls from Wall Street slump and Sept. 11 aftermath may force bus and subway fare increases that could damage his appeal.



Rank #72


Bloomberg, Michael R

Age 59

Net Worth $4.4 bil

Fortune: self made

Source: financial news

Home State: New York

Country of citizenship: United States

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children


Johns Hopkins University, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Harvard University, Masters of Business Administration

The financial news and data entrepreneur spent a record $70 million in his contentious run for New York City Mayor against Democrat Mark Green. Now that he's won, the hard work is just beginning: Must grapple with rebuilding Twin Towers site and fixing budget deficits even his kingly fortune couldn't fill, all in the shadow of Rudy Giuliani. In the meantime, has been looking to unload his eponymous company for the unlikely amount of $10 billion. 



Rank #82


Bloomberg, Michael Rubens, 

Age 58

Net Worth: $4.5 bil

Fortune: self made

Source: n/a

Home State: NY

Country of citizenship: United States

Marital Status: divorced, 2 children


Johns Hopkins University, BA/BS

Harvard University, MBA

His eponymous financial data terminals are standard at Wall Street firms, but he's now receiving more attention for his run for mayor of New York City.

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